Martin Lewis shares emotional fan message on Good Morning Britain: 'I had tears in my eyes'

Virgin Radio

19 Jul 2023, 16:52

Martin Lewis halts Good Morning Britain with 'tears in eyes' during emotional announcement

Credit: ITV

Money Saving Expert Martin Lewis opened up about an emotional message he received from a fan on Good Morning Britain today. He admitted to getting teary reading a letter from a woman who received £34,000 back pay in bereavement benefits after following his advice.

Appearing on Good Morning Britain's Wallet Wednesday segment, minutes into the ITV show he asked co-host Susanna Reid if he could 'do an aside'.

"I'll be honest," he said. "I had some tears in my eyes last night - I've had a stressful couple of weeks and I got a lovely message..." Susanna asked: "Are you the cost of living crisis hero in action?"

Martin replied: "No, no - this is something else. Someone says they regularly watch my show and [told me]: 'In 2015, I was sadly and suddenly widowed at the age of 38. I was unable to claim widowed parents allowance due to not actually being married to my long-term partner and received little help from the government to then bring up our three children.

Good Morning Britain

Credit: ITV

"Today I received a letter from DWP," Martin continued. "I have been awarded £34,000 in back dated money and that's in my account already. I cannot explain what this means to me - I cried for an hour and just had to get in touch. My kids are grown up now and I am able to help them with their own struggles and housing."

Martin urged viewers: "If you know someone who has someone since 2001 and is a parent with young children, they may be able to claim something even if they weren't married. It runs out in February next year. This wasn't on the agenda to talk about this morning but I had to talk about it. Spread the word people!"


Credit: ITV

Susanna joked: "Not all heroes wear capes, some don't even wear ties. Martin replied: "Hey, I shaved my face for you last night!"

As of February this year, 'cohabiting parents with dependent children can apply for Bereavement Support Payment or Widowed Parent’s Allowance following the death of their partner'.

Martin's Money Saving Expert site suggests 'it's worth applying to have applications back dated'.

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