Line of Duty fans are shocked by Martin Compston's evil role in 2016's In Plain Sight

Virgin Radio

8 Jun 2021, 12:02

It's unverving to see one of our favourite TV heroes playing the baddie (especially minus a beard and trusty waistcoat). That's exactly what's happened to fans of Line of Duty's Martin Compston in a 2016 ITV detective drama. While some have seen the three-part series based on real events, others are discovering it for the first time and it's blowing people's minds. 

One person commented on Twitter: "It's tough watching an actor you loved so much in #Lineofduty playing such an evil part! @martin_compston #inplainsight."

Another fan added: "This is brilliant! You play the part really well Martin. It's hard to imagine you playing a psychopath, but here you are rocking the part."


Credit: ITV

Others penned: "Ooh I don't know if I can watch you being a baddie!" and: "Not sure I like #Martin_compston as a baddy! Brilliant performance... chilling!"

The actor most known for his role as DI Steve Arnott in Line of Duty plays infamous Scottish serial killer Peter Manuel who murdered at least eight people around Lanarkshire in the 1950s.

The synopsis reads: "The story begins in 1946 when Muncie arrests a 16-year-old Manuel for a number of sexual assaults and nine years later Manuel is released from prison, only to commit more crimes on random victims and taunt Muncie from a distance."

Starring alongside him is Douglas Henshall as Detective Muncie, Joanne Thomson, Gilly Gilchrist, James Harkness and Jenny Hulse.

