Eddy's Good News: The cleanup to clean energy program and how pomegranates can improve memory

Virgin Radio

11 Jun 2024, 13:15

Every day during his show on Virgin Radio Anthems, Eddy Temple-Morris brings you Good News stories from around the world, to help inject a bit of positivity into your day!

Be sure to listen each day between 2pm and 6pm (Monday - Friday) to hear Eddy's Good News stories (amongst the finest music of course), but if you miss any of them you can catch up on the transcripts of Eddy's most recent stories below:

Tuesday 11th June 2024

Credit: US Dept of Energy

Good news for Alanis Morissette, I know it’s a long shot but just in case you’re tuned in to VRA via our free App, THIS is ironic. 

Across the USA, land set that had been previously aside for the purpose of possibly destroying the world is now welcoming infrastructure that’s designed to help save it.

Sites managed by the Dept. of Energy’s nuclear weapons division are now home to solar farms that will be able to power thousands of homes.

As part of a government program called Cleanup to Clean Energy, sites like one in  Idaho, a 400-megawatt solar farm spread across 2,800 acres, are beginning to mushroom. 

“Working closely with community leaders and private sector partners, we’re cleaning up land once used in our nuclear deterrence programs and deploying the clean energy solutions we need to help save the planet and strengthen our energy independence,” said US Energy of Secretary Jennifer Granholm.

Other locations being looked at for this turn around include Washington state, New Mexico, Nevada and South Carolina. 

Via: goodnewsnetwork.org

Credit: Getty

As I now have two dogs in this race, my mum now and me in the future, Alzheimer’s related studies are leaping off the page. Here’s the latest and this is good. 

A substance naturally occurring in pomegranates can improve memory and the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, a new study concluded.

Forgetfulness, difficulty finding words, and confusion about time and place are some of the most common symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, and researchers at the University of Copenhagen have discovered that this delicious Middle Eastern fruit can help.

This is good news for patients with dementia – a disease that is difficult to treat.

“Even though the study was conducted on mouse models, the prospects are positive. So far, research has shown promising results for the substance.”

Clinical trials on humans are currently being planned.

“Many patients with neurodegenerative diseases experience mitochondrial dysfunction, also known as mitophagy. This means that the brain has difficulties removing weak mitochondria, but this stuff removes these things - at least in these mice and there’s nothing to suggest it wouldn’t work with us. The question is dosage. Watch this space.

Via: goodnewsnetwork.org

