TikTok doctor shares useful body hacks, including an easy way to get rid of hiccups

Virgin Radio

21 Sep 2021, 07:11

Credit: tiktok / tonyyounmd

Credit: tiktok / tonyyounmd

Hiccups are annoying, aren’t they? Almost as annoying, in fact, as all of the ‘helpful’ tips people give which are supposed to fix them but never seem to. So, if you’ve tried drinking a glass of water standing on your head, or getting someone to make you jump, with limited success, then a TikTok doctor might just have the solution you need.

Hiccups are caused by erratic electrical impulses in the vagus nerve (yes, we had to Google that), and their main cause is swallowing air, but they can also be caused by eating too fast or eating too much. On his TikTok page, a doctor called Anthony Youn MD has come up with a quick hack that will, apparently, get rid of them.

In the video, which the MD also shared on his Instagram page, he says: "To get rid of hiccups, put two fingers right on your wrist crease and press down while you hold your breath for a few seconds.” 

It’s seemingly that simple. Indeed, one commenter wrote: “That worked cause I just HAD hiccups.”

Somebody else said: “I have hiccups almost everyday. I hope I remember to use this trick tomorrow.”

In the same short video, the doctor also offered a hack for eavesdropping! If you are struggling to hear what someone is saying, he suggests: “Try listening with your right ear and not your left – your right ear is connected to the left side of your brain which processes speech and language."

Dr Youn also gave a hack for helping with brain freeze, saying to push your tongue to the roof of your mouth when it happens. 

He has also posted many other hacks on his TikTok page, including how to best study for a test, and how to stop itching if you get a mosquito bite.

If you want to see more of Dr Youn’s tips, then have a look at his TikTok page

