Bye bye baby? Moviegoers are calling for babies to be banned from cinemas

Virgin Radio

20 Dec 2021, 15:27

Credit: Getty

Credit: Getty

Have you ever sat in a cinema and been infuriated by the cries of a frustrated baby? Well you’re certainly not alone in that and it seems many people are calling for youngsters to be removed from certain movie screenings. 

One Reddit user shared their annoyance on the forum after paying for a ticket to see the new Spider-Man film, Spider-Man: No Way Home over the weekend, and was left seriously annoyed after spending that time sitting near a loud, fussy baby. 

Complaining in their post, the writer said: “Throughout every emotional and major scene in the movie the baby was crying or screaming and frankly made the movie significantly less enjoyable.

"The mother took the baby out only once after it had been shrieking for five straight minutes, despite it constantly making noise for about one third of the movie, and once she came back it started to work itself up again."

"I don’t understand why you can’t get a baby sitter for your baby for the three hours you’re going to be at the movies, but instead have to bring the baby to the theatres and actively make everyone’s viewing experience worse.

"I don’t mind babies in other settings, but a movie??? Let alone a loud, action movie??? Come on! Theatres really need to ban babies."

Credit: Getty

Other Reddit users were quick to agree with the original post, with lots of other movie fans calling for younger children to be banned from cinemas. 

Another writer commented: "Parents shouldn’t even be bringing babies to theatres. Way too noisy, bright, etc. Bad for the kid, bad for the parents, awful for everybody else nearby."

Another movie fan wrote: "I have a 3 month old and 20 month old. I wouldn't be caught dead in a theatre unless I had a sitter."

A former cinema employer even got involved in the debate, and shared some helpful advice to any film fans who might experience the same thing again. 

They said: "If you’re having issues with a loud/distributive customer (baby screaming, disruptive teens/people, etc), complain to theatre staff the minute it happens. Walk out, complain, and come back.”

"Never had a manager that argued against a situation like that, especially if the customer was calm and polite about it. They won’t refund your concessions but you’ll at least get your ticket money back (or more likely a voucher for a free movie)."

Do you think there’s a place for babies at the cinema, or do all people - young and old - deserve a seat? 

