Genius military hack that will get you to sleep in TWO minutes after some practice

Virgin Radio

21 Jan 2022, 16:24

Credit: Getty

Oh to fall asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillow. More like hours later having raced through 1,001 pointless thoughts.

One sleep savvy TikTok has shared an epic technique which is sure to help with the zzzzzs.

Fitness expert Justin Agustin told followers in a video: "According to my research, this was developed mainly for fighter pilots who need 100% of their reflexes and focus, which we all know decreases with the lack of sleep.

"To start with, take some deep breaths and start relaxing each and every part of your body - from head to toe.

"Start by relaxing the muscles in your forehead. Relax your eyes, your cheeks, your jaw and focus on your breathing. Now go down to your neck and your shoulders.

"Make sure your shoulders are not tensed up. Drop them as low as you can and keep your arms loose by your side, including your hands and fingers.

"While doing this, imagine a warm sensation going from your head down to your fingertips, before going from your heart to your toes.

"Now, take a deep breath and slowly exhale, relaxing your chest, your stomach, down to your thighs, knees, legs and feet."

Credit: TikTok

Justin continued: "During the technique, it's important to try and clear your mind of any thoughts and/or stresses. To do this, think of two scenarios.

"One - you’re lying in a canoe on a calm lake with nothing but a clear blue sky above you.

"Two - you’re lying in a black velvet hammock in a pitch black room.

"And, if at any point you feel yourself getting distracted, repeat the words "Don't think, don't think, don't think" for 10 seconds."

But don't expect to drop off in an instant. Justin explained that it takes up to six weeks over practice to fall into the magic sleep pattern.

Credit: TikTok

He added: "Apparently, 96% of people who mastered this technique are actually able to fall asleep within two minutes of shutting their eyes."

One TikTok user commented: "My doctor [taught] me this technique with slight variations when I had insomnia due to PTSD. Trust me it works 100% once you get it down."

Credit: TikTok

Another added: "I'm a military brat and was taught this. I also had a veteran as a psychology teacher in college who taught this. it definitely works."

One bad sleeper wrote: "I’ve got really bad insomnia and nothing works. I get some sleep with a lot of meds, but I never wake up rested. I’m trying this tonight."

Another penned: "I have a hard time sleeping due to ptsd and anxiety along with overthinking... I'm going to try this out seeing how lack of sleep is effecting my life."

Sweet dreams...

