Do you know the reason crisp packets have empty space in them and its official name?

Virgin Radio

20 Jan 2023, 14:32

Credit: Getty

We've all been miffed off that packets of crisps have so much space and air in them. Why can't they just fill them to the top? Well, now the question has been answered and there's a specific reason which even has its own special name.

Over-inflating crisp packets is 'widely accepted by organisation standards' and essential in order to be deemed 'functional' and is required to protect the food in the package.

The name for it? The 'functional slack-fill' which is classed as 'unavoidable' and is needed 'for the package to perform a specific function'.

The nitrogen inside the packets helps protect the crisps from a premature crushing, while also keeps them fresh.

The Walkers website, states: "Our packets of crisps are filled by weight. You should always find that the packets weigh the grammage stated on the packet.

"However, there is a very good reason for the packets not being filled right to the top. Crisps are very fragile and can get crushed very easily.

"To try and prevent this from happening, we put air in the packs before they are sealed to act as a cushion for the product during transit. This does mean that the packets have to be a bit bigger than the contents."

Credit: Twitter

The Snack, Nut and Crisp Manufacturers Association said: "In addition to preventing staleness, the inserted gas also provides the added benefit of creating a cushioning effect to protect the fragile contents of a packet from damage.

"The packaging expands or contracts depending on the ambient temperature, whereby the gas present in the pack will fill a larger volume when it's hotter, and a smaller volume when it's cooler.

"For this reason, the packaging is required to be of a certain size to accommodate the potential expansion of the gas. UK manufacturers are legally governed by Packaging Essential Requirements to minimise excess packaging and can be challenged legally to justify packs which are larger than 'best in class'."

Crisp-al clear.

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