Coronation Street fans are stunned by age difference between Gail and Audrey

Virgin Radio

19 May 2023, 12:56

Credit: Rex

If you're a fan of Coronation Street, you'll be familiar with Gail Platt and Audrey Roberts.

The mother and daughter duo are played by Sue Nicholls and Helen Worth.

Now, Corrie fans have been stunned to find out the age difference between the pair.

They've been gracing our screens for nearly 50 years now, after first walking the iconic cobbles in the 1970s.

Fans were gobsmacked to discover there is only a seven-year age gap between the pair.

Nicholls is 79 while Worth is 72.

Their character's ages definitely don't match up, as it would mean Audrey gave birth to Gail at just 7-years-old.

One fan wrote: “They both look amazing.”

Another agreed: "Mad thing now is Gail and Audrey look about the same age #Corrie.”

Helen will celebrate her 50th anniversary on the show next year.

She is second-longest serving cast member.

William Roache has played Ken Barlow since the very first episode aired on December 9, 1960.

What a run!

Helen also received an MBE from Prince William in 2023.

Audrey and Gail have been at the centre of many hard-hitting storylines.

One of the latest involved Audrey and depression.

Sue said at the time: "Now that is the message that I want people to take away from this storyline, the importance of being able to talk to people you trust about how you feel.

"Sometimes the young generation might think that anyone over 70 isn’t capable of making decisions which in turn can make older people lose their sense of purpose and begin to feel quite useless."

