Michael Jackson biopic on the way from the people who made 'Bohemian Rhapsody' film

Virgin Radio

9 Feb 2022, 11:43

Pic: Getty

The Queen biopic was a smash-hit, and now MJ is getting the treatment too.

With the working title of 'Michael', the latest project is being worked on by Graham King who brought us the 'Bohemian Rhapsody' film.

The news comes from Deadline, saying the biopic film has the "blessing of the pop legend’s estate".

The film has been written by John Logan.

It's not the first time King and Logan have teamed up, as they worked together for 'The Aviator'.

The co-executors of the Michael Jackson estate, John Branca and John McClain, will co-produce.

The plot summary says: "Michael is set to be an in-depth portrayal of a complicated man who became the King of Pop.

"It will bring to life Jackson’s most iconic performances as it gives an informed insight into the entertainer’s artistic process and personal life."

Graham knew the family, and said he first met them in 1981.

He says he feels "humbled to bring their legacy to the big screen".

Graham recalled: "Sitting at Dodger Stadium watching the Victory Tour, I could never have imagined that nearly 38 years later I would get the privilege to be a part of this film,"

Michael‘s mother Katherine also approves, writing on Twitter: "Ever since Michael was little, as a member of The Jackson 5, he loved the magic of cinema.

She added: "As a family, we are honoured to have our life story come alive on the big screen,"

Michael died back in June 2009.

His sister, Janet, recently released a documentary too.

The self-titled documentary series has been receiving rave reviews.

